frEnz, oHh frEnz.....

kwn2 aq skunk nie smua dh brubah....
i dunno why....
maybe becoz of someone new....
they said that they don't want someone new...,
they juz want five of us...,
but now...,
they search for someone new....,
not us.....
when we ask them why they be like this...,
they will ask us back....,
like this???
aq pown ckap la....,
we r not 2gether like before....,
then they will answer like this..,
"dh sept mg hop jauh...,
bukae sept aq"
ade ke ptot??
dlu kte KWN SAMPAI MATI....,
skunk dh xde ape2 mksud dh ngn KWN SMPAI MATI....
bg mreke...,
dh xwujud.....


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